Beyond the reason of simply having a website, it’s important to have goals in relation to this and to really think about what we want our visitors to resolve there.
Why do you have a website? Because in this day and age, it’s essential for several reasons: to ensure that your customers and potential customers can find you, to let yourself be known, to communicate who you are and what you do, etc.
Now, if I ask you what the goals of your website are, many of our customers would say “my potential customers often go to my website after our meetings”, or “I have clients who find us through Google, so my website delivers sales.” Awesome! It’s generally agreed that having a website is important!
The goal of your site: generate potential customers
Translation: your site should have a conversion objective; that is to say, convert an anonymous user into an individual with a name, a company name, and an email address, who could potentially do business with you!
To do so, you must offer as much information as possible to the potential customer, so that they have the opportunity to get in touch with you! Make the task easy and offer them the opportunity to reveal themselves via contact forms: contact us to learn more about the product/ service XY, etc.