We’re no longer interested in your “ super ” B2B product!

There was a time when selling was as simple as highlighting the features and benefits of a product to close the sale. Today, B2B marketing and sales strategies go far beyond this basic concept. The verdict: we’re no longer just buying a B2B product. We’re buying and, above all, investing in values, concepts and, above all, people.

When you think about it, a business transaction has always been defined as the act of commercial exchange between two parties, where the purchase of a B2B product or service is made in exchange for financial or other consideration.

What is now becoming of paramount importance in the process are the multiple factors that now influence this interaction even before it takes place.

The new buying process, or the decline of the B2B product-centric approach

It used to be that an organization’s marketing was largely product-centric. Their communications focused on demonstrating the technical features and incredible benefits of their offerings.

These days, this approach is increasingly ineffective. It’s still important, of course, but at what cost? Certainly not at the expense of other so-called “heart factors.”

But what does your potential customer rely on in the buying process?

Your corporate identity: beyond the product

A company’s identity is no longer limited to its products. It’s shaped by its values, its corporate culture, its social and environmental actions. Customers want to know who’s behind the brand, what it stands for.

No longer content to look at a product’s technical specifications, they want to know what it stands for, whether it is committed to sustainable practices or supports social causes? These questions have become essential when making purchasing decisions. They have a real impact.

The companies that succeed in this new environment are those that manage to strike a chord with their customers. They tell stories that resonate with their audience’s values. They actively engage in initiatives that go beyond mere profit.

B2B marketing is no longer just about numbers and statistics. It’s about human connection, emotion and trust. That’s right, even in business, connection has become just as essential as in B2C.

Is your brand identity promoted? And are your values communicated? Do you share your success stories, your involvement, your employer brand?

True or false? Business is business!

While some might say that business is all about numbers and performance, our perspective is quite different. But why? Because, at the end of the day, it’s the human element (remember the above-mentioned definition of a translation: an exchange) that lies at the heart of all business activity.

And here are two main reasons why you’ll benefit from such an approach to your marketing.

  • Lasting business relationships: focus on building privileged relationships with customers. It’s about understanding their unique needs, establishing personalized communication and delivering an exceptional customer experience at every stage of the buying journey.
  • Shared values: have you ever tried to build something with a customer or even a supplier with whom you don’t share the same vision or values? Rather difficult, isn’t it? It’s normal, you’re human.

Today, the vast majority of your customers are looking for business partners who share their ethical, social and environmental convictions. By highlighting these shared values, they reinforce their credibility and attractiveness in the eyes of customers.

So, what does the marketing of your B2B products look like?

With this information in mind, have you thought about how you present your company and your products? Does your sales team leverage all factors in their communications?

In this new era, it’s not just what you sell that counts, but who you are as a company.

Do you need a “human” touch to adapt your marketing to this reality? A defined positioning? A clear brand identity? Let us help you think strategically. Find out more about our services! Contact us

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