Customer relationship management for businesses took off in the ‘90s with the development of direct marketing. It consists in the creation of close and continuous business relationships with clients by placing them at the center of a business strategy.
Today, the emergence of social media in business to business relationships only leaves room for one option. Non-traditional channels are impacting more and more businesses and their customer relationship management.
How are social media incorporated into a company’s customer relationship management?
– An additional point of contact
Social media represent a very specific communication channel for companies to apply to their market, current and potential clients.
– New data flow
Social media make available an incredible amount of information, even to the point where we’re drowning in it! It’s also important to understand the impact of the spread of this information via social networks. This involves managing and utilizing this information appropriately.
– The notion of Commitment
Through social media, clients or prospects participate and get involved. This is similar to one well-known concept, “consumer-actor,” but can be cause for concern due to the power of social media.
Social media have their place in customer relationship management. The challenge, however, lies in their integration. The trend of marketing to move toward a One to One model with a CRM isn’t questioned; rather it is the notion that the SCRM (Social CRM) involves the addition of a new model: One to Community.