Digital marketing in B2B: an absolute must

B2B marketing is undergoing a major transformation in an increasingly digital world. Companies are no longer content to follow traditional methods to reach their business customers. They are now adopting sophisticated B2B digital marketing strategies. And they're doing so to stay competitive and meet the expectations of an increasingly well-informed customer base. Do…. Read More...

B2B content marketing: maximize your impact

By combining quality content creation and strategic distribution, you can harness the full potential of B2B content marketing to propel your business to new heights. That's how I concluded my first post analyzing the Content Marketing Institute's annual study (the 2024 study). I was talking about creation and distribution. Obviously, when it comes…. Read More...

4 LinkedIn pillars essential to your growth

Among the social networking platforms dedicated to the world of work, LinkedIn stands out as a must for individuals and companies looking to expand their network. Or to promote their brand, or generate sales opportunities. Accustomed to treating LinkedIn as an online CV, many people find it difficult to switch to the business…. Read More...

B2B content marketing: a look at usage and… AI!

I recently published on LinkedIn, part of the results of CMI's annual content marketing study, "B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Outlook for 2024". This publication focused on LinkedIn's dominance as the social network of choice for the vast majority of those who publish B2B content on social networks. Every year, the…. Read More...

B2B content marketing: create at home, optimize and distribute elsewhere!

It was while reading a post on Mark Schaefer's blog that I got the idea to write this post on B2B content marketing and especially on the importance of creating content on YOUR website or blog and then using social networks to spread it further. A social network like LinkedIn isn't a content…. Read More...

Are social networks even worth it in B2B marketing?

Interesting exchange on LinkedIn earlier this week involving two B2B marketing experts. And as you'll see, it's all about social networks and their usefulness in marketing. Are social networks even worth it in B2B marketing, or should we call AI to the rescue? Part of the question is posed by Michael Brenner, CEO…. Read More...

Social selling: an essential B2B skill

The B2B marketing landscape is changing rapidly. Probably the biggest adjustment is in the sales approach. In a world where buyers are more informed and demanding than ever before, B2B sales reps must evolve to offer a fluid, personalized buying experience based on trust. In this context, social selling, particularly via LinkedIn and…. Read More...

How to optimize your B2B content marketing?

You've probably heard a lot about B2B content marketing. You've also probably read that it needs to be strategically researched, developed, optimized, shared and promoted. In your small or medium-sized business, you're probably wondering how. According to the Content Marketing Institute's 13th annual study (2023), 71% of B2B content marketers say B2B content…. Read More...

4 Basic SEO Tips To Get You Started With Your Website

Simple ways to improve your SEO today! Achieving a good ranking for your website on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo!...) is an easy way to generate traffic and convert new visitors into potential customers. However, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very technical field, in which you can easily lose your bearings. Here…. Read More...

Use of social networks in B2B marketing (2) The buying cycle!

I mentioned LinkedIn 1 month ago in a blog post. It answered the pressing question of 2020-2021: what do I do with LinkedIn for my business development? I would like to discuss in this post, the importance of social networks in the B2B buying cycle. When we look at this graph from Hootsuite,…. Read More...