Twitter: an example of its business application

Many still wonder why they should use Twitter. This question is widespread, as much on the individual level as it is on the business level. This post addresses the latter. More precisely, it addresses the business to business aspects of Twitter. What possible use can my business make of an application that only…. Read More...

Facebook Ads for B2B Marketing

Recently I’ve spent a lot of time analysing the benefits and mechanics of Facebook Ads, and I’m impressed... Facebook ads expertsWhat a neat little game to play. You plug in a few quarters a day and you watch the numbers explode (after all, if you’re not launching a product, or executing a major…. Read More...

Why Are Teens Leaving Facebook in Droves?

Well, droves is relative but 19%, 1 in five, could be considered a drove... Teens leaving facebookWhat’s causing this minor exodus is something I’ve written about more than a year ago. I call it the Social Marketing Paradox. The Gazette finally breached the subject, and a research firm finally got the stats that…. Read More...

The 6 Common Types of Marketers on Twitter

This morning I felt like writing something to brighten the day of my fellow marketers on Twitter. After-all, if you can't laugh at yourself... Marketers like to segment things, to make groupings, to profile, to classify, so it's fitting to poke some fun at ourselves from time to time using the same methodology...…. Read More...

Social Media in B2B Marketing

Here's one topic which is of concern for managers, especially B2B marketing and sales managers: Social media and their relevance in business development. Then, there are matters related to media selection and its interaction with the structures and operations of B2B companies. Today, I will answer the first question: the relevance of social…. Read More...

Twitter for B2B: You have how many followers?

Wow, 26 thousand followers! You must be so popular! Using twitter for B2B marketing purposes is different from the typical B2C stuff you read about on the Web. Since you’re not selling products or services to Mr. and Mrs. Anybody, the quantity of followers you have is less important than in B2C, however…. Read More...

Twitter Marketing 101: How to get started

Wow, twitter is a tweeting with millions of self proclaimed social marketing experts all tweeting the latest and greatest new social marketing gadget, app, or technique. That's all well and good for those that are already swimming in the twitter data stream, but what about those who are simply looking to get started?…. Read More...