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15 Years Already!
Since 2009 our blog is a reference in B2B marketing, even in the USA!
Exoblog has more than 500 posts on topics such as strategic marketing, sales-marketing alignment, content marketing and inbound, strategy and tactics, web design and development, marketing automation, marketing and digital transformation, etc.
These posts are published by our team of experts who know how to harmoniously combine passion and great experience. Everyone shares their expertise in their own way and in all authenticity!
Have a good read and if you like, share!

Marie-Michèle Lavigne
Content creator

Claude Malaison
Content and SEO strategist

Jean Gougeon
Creative Director

Vincent Cloutier-Naud
Digital campaign analyst and strategist

Geneviève Dion
Communications and Public Relations Strategist

Alain Thériault
Partner and executive coach

Lynda St-Arneault

In 2019, our blog article “Automation: It’s not automatic” was among the finalists in the B2B Marketing Zone MVP AWARDS in the category “MARKETING TECHNOLOGY (MARTECH)”.

Christine Viera and Peg Miller of B2B Marketing Academy mentioned the quality of the ExoB2B blog in their article “5 Brainy Blogs for the Curious B2B Marketer”.
Performance and B2B SEO: why a good brand image is no longer enough
Quebec companies, whether in manufacturing, technology or services, are investing heavily in their image. New logos, polished graphic identities, redesigned websites… all in the hope of strengthening their market position…
Read moreB2B strategic marketing: what if intent signals transformed the way you approach your customers?
Imagine being able to understand your potential customers before they even know they need you. That’s exactly what intent signal analysis promises. Those subtle clues that reveal their needs, thoughts…
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