Does B2B marketing take itself too seriously folks?

Recently, while working on our web site’s redesign, it dawned on us that it would probably be a good idea to “rebuild” our SMN (Social Media Networks) policy while we were at it. Since vision comes before policy (except in modern day politics, it seems), we decided to propose the following vision statement:

To develop Exo Social into a B2B marketing reference on SMN, and supporting this commitment through elements of our company’s DNA, namely opinion, expertise, creativity and humour. To propel this initiative with clicks words such as #ExoSocial #B2B #OurDNA  #opinion #expertise #creativity and #humor.

Seriously folks

Some of you are already fidgeting in your fancy 5-wheeled office chairs. What! Humour???  It’s not…It’s not serious enough! This is B2B for God’s sake. Agreed on opinion, as it is a position taken as well as an expression of “thought leadership”. Of course agreed with the exhibition of expertise which results in influence and, why not, creativity? The word is fashionable is most industries, and not only in agencies either…

So why then, does everybody suddenly find themselves outside their comfort zone when marketing mentions humor? Ah! Well sir, as you may be aware…humor does not mix with business! And it can’t be taken seriously.

Well then, let’s ask this question: Is marketing, particularly in B2B, taking itself too seriously, to the point of becoming boring? And in this sea of web content that mostly creates oil stains instead of making waves, we quickly tire of the ‘10 best tools for this’… or…’the 4 infallible methods for that’…

When reading these blogs, it’s almost as if we find ourselves in front of the brave Dr.Smith in “The Ballad of the Daltons”


Even on our own blog, back in March 2013, we put on the whitest gloves to write about humor in a piece entitled: Does humor have a place in B2B marketing?  The conclusion was not engaging: “When in doubt, refrain yourself. The risks may be too great. Or better yet, ask the marketing professionals. Not those in your team, as they will not have the same objective view outside specialists can offer”

The risks? What risks?

Doesn’t it often happen, that the blog that makes you smile and think, is the one that’s effective and stands out amongst others?

For your content to put a twinkle in people’s eyes or even small fireworks in their protective glasses, what better than a twist of irony or a pun? Exo has understood this. Since then, several small pearls of humor have rolled into their blog posts to capture our readers’ and subscribers’ attention:



Note to the fans

And a note to the fans of Martine, of Captain and Gino Socio: they’ll be back soon to make you smile and loosen up a little, but above all, to make you think with their views, which are at times not particularly “business-oriented”, but often surprising in their expertise, their somewhat unrestrained creativity and obviously, their humour and sense of timing. Timing. Anyway.


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