Web ecosystem: calls to action in B2B marketing

The goal of website diagnosis in B2B is to increase the number of sales leads by increasing traffic, in order to reach prospects and retain customers.

When redesigning or evaluating a website in B2B, 10 essential elements must be considered. My article addresses one of these elements ; call to actions commonly called CTAs. It is the fourth in a series of 10 articles which deals with the web ecosystem.

What is a CTA?

A call to action can take two forms: a text with a hyperlink or a button. The objective of an such an incentive is simple: we aim to lead the visitors to a landing page where they will be encouraged to fill out a form by leaving their coordinates in exchange for a marketing offer that is valuable to them.

Where should they be positioned on a website?

As far as good practices go, calls to action should be at the top of your website page, with your logo and your company’s description. This location in the mobile version of your website will ensure that the Call-To-Action remains at the forefront if the visitor comes to your website from their smartphone or their tablet. It is therefore important to think about the ergonomy when it comes to the design of the buttons in order to create the best customer experience (mobile or not).

Although not all visitors take the time to check the bottom of your website page, it is advisable to add them to this location anyway. You can choose to present them in another form, such as a hyperlinked text, for example, rather than the button you place at the top.

It’s also suggested to publish a Call-To-Action on the first page of each section of your website; at the top of course, but they could also be positioned in the sidebar on the right or left, for example. In this case, the incentive to action should reflect the specific content of this section, which will have the effect of encouraging the visitor to visit the landing page and take action.

Are there other places where I should publish them?

Yes indeed, adding incentives for action should not be limited to your website only.

Here are some ideas to boost their appearance:

  • In your blog posts.
  • In your social media.
  • In your commercial emails.
  • In your email signature.
  • In a paid media, banner or Google Adwords campaign.
  • In your PPT presentations.
  • Etc.

Which words should be chosen?

A Call-To-Action should always have an action verb to generate action. It is therefore suggested to choose: Sign up for our newsletter instead of, Newsletter subscription. Moreover, the fact of presenting a number of calls to action in your website, at least five but preferably ten, should result in the collection of more qualified sales leads.

The content of calls to action depends on the type of B2B business and target customers that you are addressing. Subscribing to a blog or, signing up for a newsletter are widely used tactics to retain prospects, but others are more specific. Adding a sense of urgency is also a good tactic to use.

Here are a few examples:

For a developer or software vendor:

  • Get a free demo today
  • Evaluate the cost of software

For a manufacturing company:

  • Download the new technical guide
  • Ask for a free quote

In conclusion, it’s important to keep in mind that an effective B2B CTA, through its design, content and position, results in the generation of more leads and conversions on your website. However, it must be measured, tested and optimized on a regular basis.

In closing, I invite you to read the first three blog in this series, on the web ecosystem:




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