4 Basic SEO Tips To Get You Started With Your Website

Simple ways to improve your SEO today!

Achieving a good ranking for your website on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo!…) is an easy way to generate traffic and convert new visitors into potential customers.

However, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very technical field, in which you can easily lose your bearings.

Here then is a simple rundown of some of the more important elements to consider in your SEO strategy.

Your content must be unique and informative, and use the right keywords

Your content must be regularly updated and of high-quality. By that I mean your information must be clear, useful, and tailored to the users who’ve come to search your site.  Your site’s tone and language have to match phrases used in searches on the subject matter. Also, keep in mind that text with a varied vocabulary is preferable to multiple images.

It’s important to choose your site’s keywords carefully, in relation to your target audience’s needs. You have to be aware of what they are looking for the most.

Finally, your content must be unique! Search engines will penalize you if you copy existing content from other web pages.

Take the time to improve your pages’ SEO and improve your user experience

This is your number one priority amongst all your SEO actions: a user who doesn’t have a good experience (User Experience or UX) when arriving on your page, won’t return to your website.

Here is a list of key elements you need, to improve a page’s SEO:

  • A title tag and a URL containing the keywords you want to target
  • A 140 character meta-description that attracts attention
  • Texts that are enjoyable to read, divided with header tags from <h1> to <h6>
  • An ALT tag for images because search engines only read text

Google rewards websites that offer a better user experience. This includes websites that are responsive for tablets and mobiles, which now represent the biggest source of traffic.

Use social media to promote your content

Social média marketing, meilleures pratiques SEO

Don’t underestimate the influence of social media on your SEO performance. Take the time to choose the social platforms that are best suited to your audience. Then, promote your content with posts on your company pages and targeted ads (Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, etc.). It ‘s a good way to generate mentions, shares, and backlinks (external links pointing to your website). All of these contribute to SEO improvement.

You also need to ensure your content is shared by key influencers within your industry. Make them see you and make them want to write about you by engaging them. Join their discussions, comment on their content and compliment their brands. Ask them questions or offer experiences you’ve had in relation to their articles. Be part of their conversations.

Build a « Link Building » strategy

This consists of increasing the number of backlinks (at the core of Google’s famous SEO algorithm) to your website to improve its positioning and visibility. The goal here is to focus on quality rather than quantity. You can promote your company on online platforms such as blogs and forums in which you link to your services, which generates traffic by redirecting users to your website.

You can also register your website on online directories, so long as they are reliable. And, very important, don’t buy backlinks or you may be penalized by search engines.


So, I’ve covered some of the most important points to build a better SEO. Still,there are tons of other aspects that can influence your results. If you have questions about your SEO strategy and would like some advice from our specialists, don’t hesitate. Contact us!

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