B to B customer relationships in the social media era

Customer relationship management for businesses took off in the ‘90s with the development of direct marketing. It consists in the creation of close and continuous business relationships with clients by placing them at the center of a business strategy. Today, the emergence of social media in business to business relationships only leaves room…. Read More...

What is the ROI of social media?

We often hear the question, "what is the ROI of social media?" Maybe we are asking the wrong question. Instead, let's ask the following question: "what is the ROI of not doing anything with social media?" Asking this question is already answering it. So, what do we get out of social media? •   …. Read More...

B2B Marketers Use Social Media Marketing

BtoB Magazine surveyed 550 American executives of companies of all sizes, across various industry segments for a study titled “Emerging Trends in B-to-B Social Media Marketing: Insights From the Field”[1]. Carried out in April 2011, the study demonstrates how B2B marketers are taking advantage of social media in their marketing mix. Here are…. Read More...

Tips on Promoting Your Business with Twitter

Twitter is recognized as one of the most popular and best-known social media platforms, but its potential application to B2B marketing, may still be underutilized. While it has been embraced by many B2C companies, it is perhaps even more useful in B2B marketing. It’s all about influence An important aspect of Twitter is…. Read More...

Optimizing Social Media: Are paid tools or free ones best?

To keep up with current trends and be competitive, we have tested  several paid and free Social Media-related tools. Among the paid tools, we evaluated Netvibes, Awareness, Radian6, and Vocus  platforms. Netvibes lets us monitor, understand and analyze the results. With this tool we can monitor blogs, Twitter and Facebook on a daily…. Read More...

Social Media: What if people say bad things?

As a marketing professional that specialises in social media marketing, I get that question all the time. And since I get it all the time, posting the answer on our blog makes a lot of sense. The scene: I’m sitting at a client’s office. The client is interested in integrating social media to…. Read More...

Facebook: Giving Political Power Back to The People

Sometimes I come across the best articles. Last week it was ClickZ and a little piece about how politicians are complaining that their political advertising doesn’t work on Facebook. Heh, heh. This made my day. I’m a fan of Facebook for many reasons, but this takes the cake. Politicians have been complaining about…. Read More...