To what extent should a Marketing Specialist be involvement with their client?

I’d like to address you, the B2B clients. You who hold marketing management positions at your businesses. And I’d like to speak to you, experts in Marketing. You who work on Strategic Planning, you who measure results in order to optimise them, you who are in charge of advising or coaching your clients.…. Read More...

B2B Marketing: Rethinking the Product and its Distribution

We have to stop hiding behind our cataclysmic piles of recycling in order to see further ahead, and above all to think differently. Triage centers are suffering a crisis, but even so, we have not diminished our plastic and aluminium product production. Those two substances consume an inordinate amount of energy in the…. Read More...

Social Media in B2B Marketing

Here's one topic which is of concern for managers, especially B2B marketing and sales managers: Social media and their relevance in business development. Then, there are matters related to media selection and its interaction with the structures and operations of B2B companies. Today, I will answer the first question: the relevance of social…. Read More...