A rude awakening for your B2B marketing content strategy

The time for creating content for the sake of creating content is more than dead. You can still do it if you don’t take the time to read this post. I’m going to show you how your content strategy needs to be reviewed and supported on a regular basis and with fresh eyes.

First, there’s the question of why and for whom we create content, and how we distribute it to reach our “who”. What do we expect in return for our investment? It’s easy to answer on the surface – everyone does it. A few in-house workshops with sales and marketing, facilitated by a specialist, and you’ve got a game plan for the next six months. Rarely do companies measure the results of their efforts, and if they do, they miss important metrics. So, how do you optimize?

Finally, this first step involves going out and talking directly to the people targeted by this content strategy. Playing guessing games doesn’t pay off. And the argument to avoid when trying to convince you not to invest the effort “I know my market and my customers, I know what needs to be done” doesn’t work anymore!

Your sales force only knows part of the “buying story” of your target customers. They don’t know the perceptions your customers have accumulated throughout their experience with your company. Nor do they know when their decision was for or against you.

That said, let’s get down to business 😊

Beyond the elements you can “control” in planning your content strategy, here’s a brief summary of what’s completely changing the landscape of Internet search. From discoverability of your digital assets (website, blog, video, case study, etc.) to which you need to pay close attention.

Firstly, Google has launched a series of measures aimed at strengthening the quality of its search results. This includes a major update to its core algorithm and various anti-spam updates. Read this article from SearchEngineLand.

This approach now integrates Google’s “useful content system” into its overall ranking system. It promises a 40% reduction in unhelpful or abusive content in search results.

This update will not only have an impact on search rankings, but will also force us to rethink our approach to quality content.

Content strategy: the crucial question

How will this affect the volume of visits to your website or blog? Because all sites will be affected.

“By 2026, traditional search engine volume will fall by 25%,” said research firm Gartner last month. “With search marketing losing market share to AI chatbots and other virtual agents.”

Some use Writer.com, Jasper.ai or Antropic’s Claude 3 (For us it’s Claude Malaison 😉 ) for content creation, which is said to outperform ChatGPT, This AI is known for its simplicity and efficiency in generating human-like text. This makes it ideal for a variety of creative and professional applications.

Other forms of AI are also used to answer questions in the same way as a Google search. As these tools connect to the Internet in real time, the reliability of their answers improves. We raised this major change in search behavior and the way people consume content in this post.

As these tools connect to the Internet, or will all do so in the near future, we have a vested interest in creating content. New digital assets, because fortunately, some AIs like Copilot, give away their sources when they generate content on demand. Chat GPT, on the other hand, does not. Which causes an ethical problem. In addition to “cutting off” traffic to our sites, it doesn’t give sources. It penalizes the content creators who feed it when it’s updated, and removes any SEO effort you might attempt.

On the other hand, Google has just launched its Gemini AI. And it claims that it will change the rules of the game in the SEO and search industry. According to Google spokespeople, Gemini is multimodal. It understands text, video, voice and images, and converts them all into clear written text.

Points to ponder and a new level of complexity for companies

Content re-evaluation: does your content stand out for its value to the end-user? Is my content adapted to each stage of the buying process of my “buyer” and other actors involved in this process?

Long-term strategy: how are you adapting your content strategy to maintain or increase your traffic in an ever-changing landscape?

Adapting to AI: how is your company positioning itself to remain visible and relevant in a world where AI is becoming a preferred search channel?

Content innovation: content creation must now take into account interaction with AI technologies, with an emphasis on originality and depth. We’re doing less, but we’re doing it right!

In conclusion

In the face of these changes, it’s imperative to reflect on the impact of Google’s update and the rise of AI on your online presence. It’s time to question, innovate and adapt.

If you’d like to discuss this further, please get in touch.

Have a great week! 🙂

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