Trends are very often short-lived, do not hold up well over time and are quickly replaced by the next new ‘thing’. There are, on the other hand, some trends that persist and for good reasons. Adopting these web trends makes it easier for website managers…. Read More
Author: Jean Gougeon
Après plus de 25 ans d’expérience en design graphique imprimé et plus de 15 années en design et développement web, Jean a rejoint l’équipe d’Exo B2B.
C’est son envie de faire les choses autrement, avec créativité, qui font sa force en idéation et conception dans des mandats variés.
Que ce soit en print ou en web, son but est de cerner les besoins des clients pour livrer un concept à la fois créatif et efficace, et de s’assurer de leur satisfaction.
Il est aujourd’hui en charge des créations visuelles et graphiques pour Exo et ses clients.
(Part 2 of 2) This is the follow up article from “6 Tips to Take your Web Site to the Next Level” Testimonials Reading about another customer’s positive experience is likely to influence or motivate web visitors to continue their due diligence and investigation about…. Read More
Whether you’re thinking about doing a complete rebuild of your Web site or simply want to make a few significant changes, here are some suggestions to consider. Note: This is the first of 2 posts on Web site. We will publish the other one in…. Read More
There are more outdated B2B websites out there than you think. It’s likely because many B2B companies have put their efforts into their direct contacts and relationships, and have been using their site only as a secondary reference. But time has run out for these…. Read More
A broken website is a useless website You spent months and invested thousands of dollars to have your new website available for the entire world to view, generate visits, leads and hopefully sales of a service or product. Once online however the work does not…. Read More
Design is highly subjective. Everyone can agree on that. As Web technology has evolved in sophistication over the years, design experimentation has exploded. That’s why these days when you are surfing the web, you will sometimes run into sites that are completely baffling, even in…. Read More
Using visual content when posting to social media sites is a trend that is not going away anytime soon. The old adage that an image is worth 1000 words holds true today more than ever, in the world of fast paced Twitter feeds and oversaturated…. Read More
Clean effective design Design is “very subjective” you like or don’t like. Web design is more than just choosing fonts and colours, it is the process of planning how content will be displayed on a computer screen, but also and more importantly these days, on…. Read More
Pragmatism and design go hand in hand when creating a logo because your logo must not only look good, it must be usable in any situation, from embroidery on a golf shirt to displayed on a highway billboard. Small intricate details will often disappear when…. Read More
Your social media sites, Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook just to name a few, are mandatory extension of your online strategy, if you want to reach a maximum amount of people and generate qualified leads. An increasing amount of web surfers will actually discover your company…. Read More