Hype Cycle Marketing B2B

Hype Cycle Marketing: Having the means for its own ambitions

Recently, the technology watchdog firm, Gartner, published its famous "Hype Cycle" on marketing-related technologies or, if you prefer, "martech". In case you didn’t know, every year, the US firm publishes its Hypes Cycles for everything related to technology. Five Cycles Marketing, human resources, finance, communications,…. Read More

The future of marketing? Artificial intelligence

The future of marketing will no doubt be incredibly interesting as it is trending towards the dematerialized (cloud) with an approach centred on the human experience. All this is possible thanks to a crucial element: data. It plays a major role as we first need to collect gargantuan…. Read More

Head south young man!

Did you know: Over 70% of Quebec's exports go to the United States and the majority, to NY State? 4500 Quebec companies do business in the US? New York is only a 1 hour flight from Montreal? This is exactly what Jean-Claude Lauzon, the Delegate General of…. Read More