How do you strategically position yourself in a market already occupied by “Goliaths”?

We are currently working with a client on a strategic position and branding mandate. This is the launch of a new technology platform. It combines artificial intelligence and the expertise of specialists in a market that already has its leaders and challengers. They are mostly well-established multinationals (Goliaths), with a roadmap that ensures…. Read More...

The pile of business cards

Monday morning, you're back from an out of town trade show held from Wednesday to Friday of the week before. Your jacket is filled with a bunch of business cards, quickly stowed away in the heat of the moment. in one pocket, the "good" and in the other, the “not as good”. You'd…. Read More...

Blistering, blundering brand of birdbrains! (Apologies to Captain Haddock)

Have you ever run into a high-technology company with a dated image? Does it affect your perception of the value of the innovation behind the technology? It certainly can. Take ABC company for example: It has been around for 35 years, has never done marketing, and has “never needed to”. (Believe me, there…. Read More...

Subcontractors, pimp your web site!

70% of our exports go towards our southern neighbors and the majority is with companies in the state of New York. Our American friends would do well to take advantage of our services, given how low the Canadian dollar is these days. Like any outsourcer, they are looking for suppliers who can deliver high…. Read More...

Head south young man!

Did you know: Over 70% of Quebec's exports go to the United States and the majority, to NY State? 4500 Quebec companies do business in the US? New York is only a 1 hour flight from Montreal? This is exactly what Jean-Claude Lauzon, the Delegate General of Quebec in New York, said at a dinner…. Read More...

Love/Hate B2B communication

I’ve had a love/ hate relationship with communication for almost 30 years now. Why? The story is actually quite simple... follow me. I started my career by co-founding Egzakt, an advertising and communication agency that was established in Trois-Rivières, Québec in 1987. So, my preoccupation with communication is not new. Throughout these last…. Read More...

Generating quality leads

Every salesman will tell you that generating leads is in their view, the main purpose of marketing. When companies approach us for our services, they usually ask if we do prospect generation and in the same breath ask us how we do it, as if it were some magic formula, as if we…. Read More...

3 Ways to better marketing and sales performance

Integrated marketing is an omnipresent term in North America, especially the United States. Used less frequently in Québec, it nevertheless represents a ‘’fait accompli’’ in marketing. The integration of disciplines, technologies and channels of communication as well as online and offline distribution has become, by the technological advances of recent years, a must…. Read More...

Video in B2B: Know your offer, make your video

Last week in Exo marketing’s blog, we talked about how, in social media, a picture is worth a thousand words. Based on current trends, it would be a safe bet to say a video is now worth more. Know your offer, make your video If you’re a B2B company that is thinking about…. Read More...