The Content Marketing Institute, USA's content marketing bible, recently published a new study that looks at, among other things, the very future of content marketing in business and the future of those who practice it. I'll pass quickly over the salary aspect. Apart from the…. Read More
Author: Claude Malaison
Après des études en journalisme et information à l’Université Laval, Claude Malaison a fait ses débuts comme journaliste au Progrès-Dimanche et au Quotidien de Chicoutimi, poste qu’il a occupé pendant sept ans.
De 1999 à 2005, il a fondé et coorganisé la conférence internationale Intracom, première conférence internationale sur les intranets. Puis, de 2006 à 2012 il a été directeur de la programmation de la conférence internationale webcom-Montréal, ainsi que des conférences webcom-Québec et de la Boule de Cristal. Lors du webcom-Montréal de novembre 2011, on lui a remis le Prix Cartier. Ce dernier vient reconnaître son apport exceptionnel à l’avancement des nouvelles technologies de l’information et des communications (NTIC) ainsi que dans la promotion de la cause d’un Québec numérique fort. Ces prix viennent aussi reconnaître l’influence et le leadership exceptionnels que ces personnes ont exercé au sein même de leur communauté.
C’est donc dans cette continuité qu’il s’est joint au collectif naissant de Démocratie ouverte et a participé, en avril 2012, au premier Gouvcamp-Paris avec une délégation du Québec. Il est aussi un des initiateurs du groupe des 13 Étonnés.
De 2006 à 2014, il a été président d’ÉmergenceWeb et il a ainsi conseillé de nombreux clients corporatifs au Québec et en France sur l’intégration des technologies de communication interne en entreprise. Il a travaillé avec de nombreuses grandes entreprises et organisations telles que la SAQ, le Groupe Canam, Bombardier, Vidéotron, Cascades, la RRQ, la SAAQ, la CSST, l’ACQ, la FCCQ, Groupe Maurice, etc.
Depuis 2015 il collabore régulièrement avec ExoB2B sur des stratégies d’affaires numériques pour les entreprises. Depuis mai 2016?, il a officiellement joint l’équipe d’ExoB2B à titre de stratège Web. Il fait également de la formation, des conférences et de la gestion de communautés en gérant blogues, médias et réseaux sociaux de plusieurs entreprises et organismes.
You've probably heard a lot about B2B content marketing. You've also probably read that it needs to be strategically researched, developed, optimized, shared and promoted. In your small or medium-sized business, you're probably wondering how. According to the Content Marketing Institute's 13th annual study (2023),…. Read More
Let me tell you a story that blends technology, history and anthropology. Once upon a time, AI and personal assistants…. Not too fast. Back to the future: Alexa, Siri, Nest and Home are the names of what was THE new generation of intelligent personal assistants.…. Read More
That's the question many bloggers, influencers and companies in marketing and B2B in particular are asking themselves. In this case, we're talking about the impact of text-generating artificial intelligence, particularly for blogs. It's an increasingly sophisticated tool. In fact, the more you use it, the…. Read More
Based on B2B Content Marketing, benchmarks, budgets and trends 2021 statistics,it is clear that the effects of COVID-19 have affected content marketing in 2020 and continue to do so this year. There is significant data that emerges from this year's study. First of all, on…. Read More
Today, the companies that adopt B2B marketing and are trusted leaders in their fields of expertise must assert this to their target audiences. The companies of the 21st century must assert their position of dominance on several main axes. In particular, as leaders of trusted…. Read More
According to a recent study conducted by the agency 93x with the FINITE community, techno marketers (martech) believe that the channels that have grown in importance during COVID-19 are webinars, SEO and emails. Not surprising, you might say? Indeed, at least with regards to webinars and…. Read More
This time around we decided to change our formula and are presenting our Top 20 of 2020 in marketing expertise early this fall. The context is no longer the same for marketing expertise. This pandemic changed everything, including not publishing our top 20 this spring.…. Read More
The current pandemic has changed many things in human interactions, especially "distancing" and therefore, prompting many companies and organizations to rethink their habits in terms of traditional conferences and trade shows. In his most recent blog post, Alain Thériault mentioned that by the end of…. Read More
In a previous post, I talked about the opportunity for businesses, in these times of uncertainty, to finally work through their digital transformation, the inevitable transition to a new economy. It’s one thing to talk about digital transformation as a phenomenon, but what exactly does…. Read More