traditional conferences and trade shows

B2B Marketing: the end of traditional conferences and trade shows?

The current pandemic has changed many things in human interactions, especially "distancing" and therefore, prompting many companies and organizations to rethink their habits in terms of traditional conferences and trade shows. In his most recent blog post, Alain Thériault mentioned that by the end of…. Read More

What to do with inbound marketing leads in B2B?

You will surely agree that all sales leads from inbound marketing do not have the same priority. Then, how can you differentiate and treat them appropriately, within a sales cycle? A reminder about Inbound Marketing Inbound marketing is a set of tactics, tools and technologies…. Read More

How to successfully launch a B2B product abroad?

Which Canadian manufacturing, IT or service company has not, at some point in time, had intentions to export to our neighbors down south? Before taking on the US Apart from the regulatory and logistical questions,difficulties often come from a flawed game plan, the choice of tactics that…. Read More
Lead Nurturing et CRM : cueillez le fruit quand il est mûr!

Lead Nurturing and CRM: patience pays off!

In B2B sales, it is general knowledge that 80% [1] of leads and qualified prospects that are interested in your offer, are not ready to buy (from you or your competitors) for 24 months, and this after trying between 8 to 12 times to reach…. Read More