Before looking for resellers, VARs, agents and other type of B2B distribution…

Revenues are flat or falling? “Let’s sign up partners and distributors!” says the sales director. In rough times like in new market penetration, distributors, value added resellers (VARs), partners, agents and channel partnerships are a normal sales director suggestion. Unfortunately, too many B2B companies invest…. Read More

ITC Benchmark in the B2B industry: the main challenge is a commercial nature, not a technical one

The launch of a new product certainly requires investment in R&D but also in marketing. Better yet, to ensure commercial success, marketing should guide the development of new products/services and therefore be done in parallel (it is called ‘concurrent engineering’). In a recent ExoLab study…. Read More

What to do with inbound marketing leads in B2B?

You will surely agree that all sales leads from inbound marketing do not have the same priority. Then, how can you differentiate and treat them appropriately, within a sales cycle? A reminder about Inbound Marketing Inbound marketing is a set of tactics, tools and technologies…. Read More