brand image

Performance and B2B SEO: why a good brand image is no longer enough

Quebec companies, whether in manufacturing, technology or services, are investing heavily in their image. New logos, polished graphic identities, redesigned websites... all in the hope of strengthening their market position and attracting more customers. And rightly so. A good brand image inspires confidence, credibility and…. Read More
digital marketing

Digital marketing in B2B: an absolute must

B2B marketing is undergoing a major transformation in an increasingly digital world. Companies are no longer content to follow traditional methods to reach their business customers. They are now adopting sophisticated B2B digital marketing strategies. And they're doing so to stay competitive and meet the…. Read More

4 Basic SEO Tips To Get You Started With Your Website

Simple ways to improve your SEO today! Achieving a good ranking for your website on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo!...) is an easy way to generate traffic and convert new visitors into potential customers. However, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very technical field, in…. Read More