Beneath such ugliness, a noble heart

Editor's Note: Since this is the last post before leaving for vacation (ExoB2B will be closed from July 22 to August 8), we asked Vincent Cloutier-Naud to analyze the worst website he has ever seen. His methodical analysis of this disturbing site did not go…. Read More

Increase the effectiveness of your B2B content marketing!

  While almost 90% of companies practice content marketing and only 28% of them believe that what they do is effective, it is legitimate to ask the following questions: "Why continue?" or, "What can I do to improve my results?" The answer to the first…. Read More

Generating quality leads

Every salesman will tell you that generating leads is in their view, the main purpose of marketing. When companies approach us for our services, they usually ask if we do prospect generation and in the same breath ask us how we do it, as if…. Read More

He changed the title of his blog post and the reaction was amazing!

I had to change the title of this post a dozen times. You're probably wondering why ... and above all, why I chose this one! In fact, I have never spent so much time viewing and revising a title. Why? Read on... Those were the…. Read More
Prêt à faire face au changement de paradigme en marketing B2B?

Ready for a paradigm shift in B2B Marketing?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your company's performance in its market? Over the past five years, have you achieved your sales and marketing goals? Is your business geared at offering your customers and prospects a complete experience, that is…. Read More

What is Integrated Marketing in B2B and why should I use it?

‘’Digital business forges a closer coupling between business model, customer experience, and technology design than ever before. Traditional collaboration models — you do your thing, I’ll do mine, and we’ll check in weekly — don’t cut it anymore. Instead, truly innovative organizations are moving from…. Read More